Monday, May 17, 2021

AKERO Secret Gold Mask Testimonial


Sharmaine is one of the AKERO's agents and distributors from Philippines. After the astonishing and gratifying outcomes from using AKERO's Secret Gold Mask, she desires to share her involvements regarding the gold mask.


As a Philippine citizen, Sharmaine states that her country's weather can easily cause skin problems. The humidity level is regarded high there however the weather can be hot or cold, but commonly hot. So, these can cause dehydration on Sharmaine's skin. After that, she will be obliged to apply load of moisturizers to replenish the hydration of her skin.


Then nowadays, Sharmaine uses AKERO's Gold Mask to substitute other moisturizers due to its benefits. So, what actually further furnish Sharmaine the joyous and satisfied feelings when using it? In fact, besides than only moisturizing, AKERO Gold Mask brightens skin by repairing the skin to its originally even and healthy states.


On the other hand, Sharmaine's nature of work requires her to always put on makeup so she tends to really love AKERO Gold Mask because with the Gold Mask, she realizes that her makeup stays longer than before. This implies that for her, touching up makeup is no longer needed often and will not cause inconvenience and affect her daily bustling schedule. Next, her skin is more firm, bright, and elastic.


Again for Sharmaine, AKERO Gold Mask provides greater moisturizing effect and she believes that the AKERO Gold Mask will equip everyone with the same effectiveness. 


AKERO Gold Mask is researched thoroughly and produced to be a safe and reliable product that works on all skin types. Furthermore, the uniqueness of AKERO Gold Mask is its 24K Gold Elements that enable to bring out the best in you!


So, remember to treat your skin well and obtain AKERO’s benefits on your skin as it is time to allow AKERO Gold Mask to beautify your facial skin!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Sophielicious Testimonial

Xiiao Hui's testimony is about a nutritional product, AKERO's Sophielicious and she'll like to share with you how the product has assisted her to resolve her intricacies.


Back then when Xiiao Hui was still a teenager going through her puberty stage, she experienced acne problems. She tried many products to resolve her acne problems, but she felt frustrated as none of them provided her the right solution and some products even worsen her acnes. After that, Xiiao Hui decided to stop using all of the products to prevent worsen of her acne problems.


However, one fine day, Xiiao Hui's friend introduced her to AKERO Sophielicious. AKERO Sophielicious contains grapes, nuts, and an exclusive ingredient, Swiss Apples. Additionally, it incorporates stem cells that contain titanium dioxides.


Titanium Dioxides allow fibroblasts to reproduce and regenerate the skin cells in an effective manner. So, AKERO Sophielicious can give benefits like anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, whitening, moisturizing and repair damaged skin cells. As AKERO Sophielicious is produced with the ability of its strong penetration into the skin cells, you can see obvious results in a short period.


After taking AKERO Sophielicious for approximately 2 months, Xiiao Hui's skin has progressively shown indications of improvements with her skin becoming more radiant as well as the fine lines and wrinkles begin to lessen. Overall, it slows down her skin aging and gives her youthful and healthy glowing skin. In addition, AKERO Sophielicious can also get rid of the free radicals in human body.


AKERO Sophielicious has a slightly blueberry tasting note in it, Xiiao Hui loves the taste and she consumes it daily. The packaging is designed for portability as AKERO Sophielicious is also the ideal health care product for people with busy schedules!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform


Friday, May 7, 2021

Human Body Function


Before partaking in any supplements or health products, knowing regarding the body functions are vital. How should we consume in order for the cells in our body to restore body functions and achieve health?


So, before consuming supplement product, we should identify what sort of improvements and results we want to accomplish and we AKERO do clearly provide products with their well explained as well as verified benefits. Next, human body can self-restore its body cells as well as organs. But, as humans age, our body cells reduce their functions which eventually lead to the disruption of humans health. Hence, we AKERO play a significant role here.


These also reveal the importances of cell activations because when the human cells are in an active mode, they will keep operating and carry out their functions, similar to maintaining a fast metabolisms and cell divisions. All these regenerations serve to promote healthy body, mind and skin.


Based on U.S medical scientists and experts, they've discovered that the human body regenerates automatically yet it requires adequate nutrients and detoxifications to renew the damaged body organs by the healthy cells.


For instance, intestinal cells can take about 2-3 days to renew where they are the quickest cell regenerations in the human body. Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) line the surface of intestinal epithelium, where they play important roles in the digestion of foods, absorption of nutrients, and protections of the human body from microbial infections, and others.


Whereby the stomach cells require approximately 7 days to renew and after the 7th day, the cell renewal process will provide healthy cells.


Gastric mucosa restores rapidly. Every one-minute cycle, about 50,000 cells are replaced with brand-new gastric mucosa cells and the whole renewal process takes about 3 days. Moving on, the taste buds have about 50 various taste cells. The intact tongue has about 9 thousand taste buds that assist us to savor sweet, salty, sour, bitter and spicy flavors. These taste cells exert about 10-14 days to refresh. Besides that, if you have encountered infections or inflammations on your tongue by habitually smoking, etc, it will result in a reduction of the numbers of healthy taste cells and the senses of taste.


Lung cells require 14 -21 days for self-renewal. The renewal process must be performed efficiently as the most profound part of the lung is gas exchange which brings in oxygen from the atmosphere then pass it into the bloodstream and circulates to the rest of the body. Next, carbon dioxide is blown out as well.


The skin additionally plays an important role and it takes up to 28 days for renewal. Next, due to the exposures to pollutions and free radicals, they will cause damages to the skin layers.


Then, why do individuals that have reached a certain age have wrinkles even after skin renewal? So, as mentioned in the above, it is because as individuals age, they will have reduction in their cell renewals. Thus, causing the depletion of collagens as well and affect the skin's elasticity. So, we hereby introduce AKERO's Sophielicious to counter skin aging and preserve the health and beauty of your skin!


AKERO's Sophielicious is a beverage contains variety of mixed fruits with collagen tripeptides and plant stem cells. Besides having multitude nutrients, the collagen tripeptide is currently weighted as the smallest molecular globally, similar to the natural composition of skin collagen. In addition, plant stem cells play very essential role here in developing into specialised cell types in the body to replace cells and tissues that have been damaged or lost.


The human liver takes 5 months for its renewal. This is why we often heard people can donate their liver and they can restore on its own due to their self recovery and regeneration capabilities. Nevertheless, if the liver also experiences liver cirrhosis or inflammation, the rate of recovery will be close to none.


Renewal of bone cells takes 10 years. It is a lengthy process and during middle-age, the renew process will take even longer. Then, lack of nutrients in the body will cause one to possess osteoporosis symptoms. So, this is why we AKERO provides nutritional supplements and we have AKERO Energizer which can prevent your from osteoporosis as well as also arthritis.


The heart cells renewal takes up to 20 years.


Next, if the cornea is damaged, the recovery takes 24 hours. On the other hand, AKERO's Resveratol can have crucial benefits to our eyesight.


Then, many individuals rarely concern about erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leukocytes (white blood cells), but on the contrary, both of them can be the major causes of an illness. 3 million erythrocytes die every day in the human system and require about 4 months to replenish. Lack of red blood cells will harm the spleen and liver.


Furthermore, living a healthy life entails having the healthy gut and intestine and these can be achieved with nutritional supplements or probiotics. Again, we AKERO do provide nutritional supplements as well as probiotics. For instance, just 4 capsules of AKERO's Unibersih will help you to detox your body and improve a better gut health and intestinal health on the next day by excreting your body toxins and wastes.


Our AKERO’s products are all absolute natural, giving you a healthy body and life. As long as you have built a good environment and condition in your body, your body can function well. Then, instead  of waiting your body to restore by its own, not to mention the reduction of its abilities as you age or from diseases, our AKERO’s products are a better choice. Lastly, we advise the needs of taking good care of your body in the earlier, so you wouldn’t worry about it later as then, it will be too late!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Monday, May 3, 2021

Diabetic Nemesis


It is important to understand that supplements are supposed to be consumed before illnesses come upon as the quote ‘prevention is better than cure'. But, what if we have caught certain illnesses? Should we or can we still take supplements to counter it? So, the answer here is yes, of course!


Introducing momordica peptide ------ People often never consider it is essential to our body yet it can also be a supplement that regulates metabolism. Then, the main emphasis here is the peptide.


The above peptide extraction can be derived from the Momordica. When the extraction process is inaugurated, natural insulin is produced. It is the only substance found globally that activates insulin receptors to facilitate the entrance for our blood glucose into our body cells. Generally, insulin is unusually consumed orally because it can be dissolved by stomach acid that hinders its function: blood glucose enters body cells and converted into energy.


However, here comes the Bitter Melon Peptide as one of the innovative AKERO's products. With years of research & development, AKERO team has produced the Bitter Melon Peptide which equivalent to the natural insulin's properties and can be consumed by the human body.


Peptides are extracted from the seeds of bitter gourd consisting of 68 various amino acids and they can lower 30% of blood sugar.


As mentioned in the above, Momordica Peptide's various advantages aid in regulating blood sugar levels. Thus, consistently consume the Peptide can prevent Diabetes.


Diabetes can be classified as Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and Momordica Peptide can effectively control both types of Diabetes. In addition, our AKERO Karela can reduce body fats and contains anti-inflammatory effect.


Considering the AKERO Karela has many benefits, wouldn't it be prudent to consume bitter gourd directly? Unfortunately, consuming an excessive amount of bitter gourd will lead to some individuals feeling nausea.


We often pay close attention to tumor growth, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc. But according to 2019 global statistics, diabetes is an anonymous killer causing one of the most death counts. It has killed 83 thousand people globally. The stats declares that 1 individual out of 9 is a diabetic patient ranging between 20-79 years old. In this modern era, diabetes is not a phenomenon that only happens to the elderly but has also affected the younger generation, especially among young adults.


Diabetes is the No.1 global disease. Diabetes is highly critical at the moment, as it is at high and strong demands to control it and lower the mortality rate.


AKERO's Karela comprises 94% lemon juice powder, 5% Ascorbate, and 1% Momordin.


Ascorbate, also known as Vitamin C. It is a natural organic compound with antioxidants properties. Next, it is the essential nutrient required in our body system in order to maintain a good health. Other than that, Ascorbate helps to counteract free radicals that can damage the body cells. U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that this ingredient is officially approved as a safe substance. Therefore, it can become food nutrients or make dietary supplements. U.S National Cancer Institute further stresses that Ascorbocyte is a daily essential nutrient for protecting healthy cells.


Consuming AKERO's Karela can stabilize the blood sugar levels, allow glucoses to penetrate into the cells for cellular functions and provide fat metabolism. Its citric acid can also serve to balance blood sugar and  boost metabolism to reduce excessive calories that can cause burdens to the body.


AKERO Karela is supplement that can provide immediate response. Just two sachets of AKERO Karela before meals can solve all the problems you face in the above.


#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform




Friday, April 30, 2021

Secret of Bitter Melon Powder to Diabetes


Diabetes is apprehended as a well-known disease as the incidences of diabetes continuously occur.


According to the records of International Diabetes Federation, the latest statistical data confirms that adult diabetes patients have grown to 4.15 million globally. In 2015, there were 5 million death populations derived from having diabetes. The recorded data has exceeded the combination death toll of malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS.


Diabetes has no cure at the moment and needs medication for a lifetime, resulting in a never-ending and bothersome journey with high medicinal expenses.


On the other hand, diabetes is deemed as a metabolic disease associated with lifestyle habits and diet. Then, the risk factor of diabetes is high blood sugar level, caused by the malfunction of insulin secretion. Consequently, what are the complications that diabetes brings to the body? So, when there is too much sugar content in the blood, a lump of sugar molecules will clump collectively and hinder the blood vessels.


Furthermore, among the blood vessels, the riskiest are the capillaries such as those under the retina which are fine-sized and large in number. Once the blood vessels are blocked, the deterioration of the optic nerve can cause impaired vision and if it worsens, blindness can occur. Next, there are also capillaries encompassing the renal tubules that could easily been blocked. Then, the blockage will provoke kidney malfunction and a more serious condition can lead to renal rupture which is the reason some diabetes patients rely on dialysis at a later stage.


High blood sugar doesn’t particularly trigger capillaries clogging, it may even causes heart blockage and myocardial infarction. Besides that, it blocks cerebral arteries, causes cerebral hemorrhage or hinders blood circulation in the lower limbs, resulting in lower limbs necrosis or for the severest case, amputation is needed. Furthermore, it will cause the body to become more receptive to infection and have poor wound healing due to the affected body’s immune system.


As mentioned in the above, Diabetes causes major damages to our blood vessels as it will end up with numerous problems like myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, renal dysfunction, eye diseases, and countless more. Therefore, nobody wishes for diabetes, but what if we unfortunately have it? However, there is still hope which is consuming AKERO Karela! AKERO Karela is a patented sequencing known as natural plant insulin that can activate the insulin receptor to increase the regulation of blood sugar.


In addition, AKERO Karela contains 45% chlorogenic acid from the green coffee extract that efficiently blocks sugar absorption from your diets into the body.


Lastly, according to a Taiwanese nutritionist, 刘宜洵Nancy has discussed that there are two types of diabetes therapy which are oral medication and insulin shot. Besides that, through the Taiwan medical research team, they ascertain that the peptide substance extracted from bitter melon can act as Insulin-Like substance in the body that eases to expedite the glucose absorption into the cell and facilitates metabolism. So, it can become daily supplement for diabetes patients, even suitable for patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weak metabolism. AKERO Karela also prevents you from tiredness and fatigue, renewing your strength and energy. In conclusion, all the advantages mentioned in the above can be obtained from AKERO Karela!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Thursday, April 29, 2021

AKERO Health Innovation


As an associate of the welfare of UMHL's platform to your customers or prospects, how do you convey your messages to them? How do you have them understand the platform and encourage them to participate in it? So, let's proceed to go through the three-points below in this write-up.


First point:

Do you understand about the healthcare market?


Second point:

What are your beliefs regarding health and wellness?


Third point:

How do you advertise and promote in the market?


But first, the healthcare market is perpetually saturated. Therefore, how are we still able to gain advantages from it? However, it always depends on how you look at the benefits of this industry. Then, among the discussion regarding healthcare, 90% will start the entry point in slimming products as it is the easiest, most direct, and expeditious method to perceive as they always resonate with an individual's needs. In the meantime, you're also able to enhance or keep track of your body's health condition besides monetary purpose.


So, what makes AKERO Health Innovation distinct from others? At AKERO, we are not just selling products but promoting the ideology of health and wellness. Akero is not as other different noxious suboptimal health enhancements besides also able in aiding weight loss. In addition, redefining the healthcare market at this point is extremely indispensable.


If you follow and believe in the ideology of health and wellness, it encourages you better to gather a diverse group of people in your team that can help you to dominate the healthcare market together and enjoy the benefits from this industry.


Furthermore, to support UMHL's beliefs, let's look at an example: the population uses a Nokia branded cellphone in the beginning. However, an innovative competitor, Huawei introduce a touch screen and other additional functionalities on their cellphones. Huawei's strategy are to replace the market demand from their competitor meanwhile add more values for the customers with their innovative commodities and gain competitive advantages to dominate the market. Huawei advertise and promote to the market of providing their customers to replace and improve their cellphones in order to keep up with the evolving world.


Then, AKERO Health Innovation conforms to Huawei's maneuver. When the healthcare market has been converging to slimming, AKERO Health also emphasizes on 4 major beliefs; detoxifying, conditioning, supplying, and protecting. We are ought to make better changes as in AKERO, we desire to revamp to suit the healthcare market and instill innovation like Huawei.


Next, when you believe the concept as allies of UMHL or AKERO in redefining and understanding of the healthcare market, you'll know how to unleash your potentials with our innovative platform. Regarding the innovative transformation of UMHL's platform, you will be equipped to undertake the journey with our leader's leadership. By putting efforts and enthusiasms into this innovative process, you'll be able to also build an immense team under your administration.


At the current stage, there are members have taken hold of UMHL's Healthcare Innovation. However, when redefining and understanding of the market, there are still vast potentials for UMHL to grow. Hence, we ought to grasp the approach of the community to recognize more about UMHL's Innovative Healthcare platform and the true health concept completely.


Thus, we encourage you to take the golden opportunity with UMHL today. UMHL aims to build and promote a new healthcare market to determine an advanced conception that is significant to the market. However, the decisions are also in your hands!


Lastly, to all leaders, UMHL wishes you all the best!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Enhance Your Love Life with AKERO Femimax


To married and cohabiting couples, how do you feel about your sex life? A topic that rarely do people will discuss about or ask out for reference and may avoid it when the subject or issue arises. Moreover in life, there are many priorities to focus on that sexual activity slowly becomes the backburner in our daily schedule. In addition, this has been frequently happened in Asian nations.


Then, in this modern era, it’s normal for majority of the women to start to be more conscious to their sexual life and desire to feel loved, a sense of belonging, and build up their confidence as a woman to the man they adore. However, there are women out there facing sexual problems and they feel uncomfortable to discuss or talk about it because they may be shy, embarrassed, or worried about judgments and withdrawal from their circle of friends.


So sexual concerns are common among women, but many are willingly escaping the problems which later intensify into more severe difficulty that will ruin the relationship.


Besides that, one of the most common causes of the above issue is vaginal dryness and most women tend to neglect the issue and perceive it as a normal phenomenon during menopause yet the fact is that this can also happen to women before menopause. So, the speculation behind this occurs from low estrogen levels as estrogen is hormone that keeps the vagina lining lubricated, thick and elastic.


Vaginal dryness causes women to feel soreness and discomfort during as well as after sexual intercourse. These lead to women's rejection towards sexual activity. Then, it will cause distance and estrangement and later affect the bond and connection of the relationship.


Furthermore, sexual intimacy is a form of relationship with pleasures and enjoyments. Hence, the above obstacle has to be resolved by both couples as it should not turn into a responsibility that burdens and uses up a lot of energy. When sex has become a burden rather than pleasure, it is essential to improve it to regain the intimacy as it is an explication to strengthen and freshen the relationship for the long term.


Thus, to all females, let us recover your pride and retain your vagina youth and health! We recommend AKERO's Femimax to you as a magnificent supplement. With 2 capsules per day, it can assist to enhance your immunity and increases your sexual desires and vitalities, stabilize hormones, normalize vaginal secretions and promote uterine contraction for developing a better love life and happiness for you with your significant one. AKERO’s Femimax has been developed to aid women in overcoming their sexual disorders and reduces vaginal burden.


Lastly, being salubrious and beautiful are every lady’s dream! Next, when ovaries and vaginal are well maintained, your appearance will look at least 10 years more juvenile, restoring your firm and elastic youthful-looking skin. This is how AKERO’s Femimax can grant you a second life; The best alternative to bring back your happiness and returns your true beauty. So now is the time to be the woman you've always dreamt of!


#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

UMHL- Internet Marketing Introduction


The Internet Generation


The modern era revolves around the Internet. As Humans, we ought to strive continuously to move forward with advanced innovations. The creation of the Internet reliably allows UMHL to build and expand the organization effectively and also create online training primarily being a convenient tool.


A targeted amount of website traffic will be able to view your contents and messages anytime and anywhere. Hence, this is the most comprehensive platform to gain your connection, besides hirement and recruitment. In addition, the filtered traffic is more amazed in this scenario. So, are you able to inspect the capability and the wonders of the Internet?


Being a part of the UMHL team, we are demonstrating changes for the better. We encourage you to take comprehensive advantages of the company's resources like the videos, written contents, training materials, etc. Then, it is imperative to save or download the training materials on your handheld electronic devices for marketing objectives or references. This is to be said as when new recruitment associates beneath your supervision, it will be of utmost convenience for you to share all your related knowledge to them. At the same time, allocate some time for discussion or learning with your team and make it a habit to improve with them together. This process can also empower the team and yourself to improve in the presentation skills, product knowledge, and learnings as you educate and train your affiliates.


Our Founder, Dato' Sri Warren requests all team members to join the ZOOM meetings as they are of utmost convenience to attend the training sessions with top leaders with no concerns on their journey to success with UMHL. The online trainings are conducted every Thursday and Saturday and all leaders will have their ideas to yield for the week to assist and support the team. The aforementioned assistances and supports are given to provide countless knowledge and utilizations of UMHL's platform.


An essential question to question yourself, what is your BIG WHY to connect with UMHL's platform? Enhancing your health? Economic freedom? So, UMHL's platform is a business model that assists innumerable people to provide career opportunities to them and build their empire. UMHL has designed a platform for creating passive income for you even when you are asleep. All you require to do is to use UMHL resources in multiple social media platforms as internet marketing, it conveniently enables you to look for many different people that are suitable.


It is often been put as you can meet wide range of people using the Internet and after you know them more, they can be the biggest opportunities for you to recruit them as your affiliates. UMHL provides adequate information and the leaders are here to always support you along your triumphant journey, making our platform unique from others.


This is the prospect of business presently. UMHL incorporates useful tools to create results, performances, and achievements. It is a distinct approach from what we have done in the past. Now, we invariably invest in online video recordings and training sessions so that anyone from any part of the World can have access to the resources conveniently. At the same time, you will be keep informed on UMHL's updates to boost your team to thrive as well as expand with determination.


Therefore, the Internet era is like you are having the world at your fingertips. The coming future of the Internet will be forming as a free measure where the more influential technological breakthrough can be introduced.

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform


Friday, April 23, 2021

Dato Sri Dr. Warren Eu- A Genuine Philanthropist


Since the establishment of UMHL (U- Matrin Holdings Limited), Dato’ Sri Dr. Warren Eu's noble deeds like his acts of generosity and kindness have influenced and be instilled as part of the company's cultures. In addition, as a people-oriented person, Dato’ Sri Warren also takes the efforts to involve himself in contributing to the nation and society. He actively participates and devotes himself to various social welfare activities.


Apart from being an entrepreneur, Dato’ Sri Warren is constantly aware to put his energy and efforts into voluntary works, never once refuses or being stingy to provide reliefs to those who need and willing to lend his hand all the time. He initiates to be deeply involved in the community and action speaks louder than words, Dato’ Sri constantly reduces others' suffering, aids them and shares positivity to them as these are his ways of spreading loves and hopes to the society.


When Dato’ Sri Warren's career has risen and gained achievements, he founds Warren World Care Foundation. He believes in uniting his strengths and powers with our nation to aid people in need. Besides that, he furthers his capabilities to provide medical and educational opportunities for orphans, poor children, and the disabled children. Dato’ Sri Warren also actively works together and collaborates with various NGOs, charity homes, schools, and public services to continuously contribute his supports and services just for any individuals who need. He will generously give them a hand to solve their worries and burdens.


During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, many people are going through tough times, but Dato’ Sri Warren has contributed supports and provides frontlines such as polices, doctors and nurses, and also charity homes with some medical equipment and life’s necessities approximately worth RM3-million-ringgit. After that, Dato’ Sri Warren has proudly received a certificate of appreciation from the Royal Malaysian Police Headquarters.


Dato’ Sri Warren always upholds his principles of being a modest person and complying with professional ethics. Next, with his compassionate heart, he is really willing to give from the capabilities and resources he has. He is a firm believer that doing good deeds also brings good lucks and happiness. So, he always contributes for building a better society.


To Dato’ Sri Warren, a warm and passionate entrepreneur can only be identified as a qualified entrepreneur. Therefore, his continuous efforts of building a caring and loving society are his long journey of life!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

UMHL- Health, Beauty and Wellness Industry


According to the research from Global Wellness Institute, the fastest growing segments in the health, beauty, and wellness industry are the personal care, beauty, and anti-aging products. Nowadays, younger generations are paying more attention to their skin conditions and care about which skin care products suit them.


Then, diversification is the key of Dato’ Sri Warren's successful business model. He has been involving in 8 major different industries and among the 8 sectors, the first investment portfolio for UMHL (U-Matrin Holdings Limited) which Dato’ Sri invests in is the health and beauty industry that essentially concentrating on anti-aging technology. Even so, AKERO couldn’t be the pioneer for anti-aging product business in the market and the high demand for the global healthcare and beauty industry has been occupied by various established firms, yet this industry still has big spaces for innovations as well as improvements in the market hence competitiveness increases.


Next, the international brand in the healthcare industry, AKERO is one of the most successful brands among others under UMHL's supervision. It has a wide range of products; the trademark of more than 50 high-quality products including personal care products, health, and bodybuilding supplements and mainly of the supplements emphasize anti-oxidant and anti-aging as well as regulating and conditioning the internal body organ functionality.


Dato’ Sri Warren understands that to reach the goal is not easy, but there is the potential growth for market share as fulfilling consumer needs in the long run for the health, anti-aging, and skincare technology. Having own research and development (R&D) team, including certified dermatologists and pharmacists that work together to carefully formulated AKERO Anti-Aging products with chemical free, non-toxic and 100% natural ingredients that are perfectly suitable for all.


Lastly, UMHL is currently in its crucial phase as for the next few years the company is in the midst of expanding and transforming its health, beauty, and wellness to steadily position itself to stand out in Asia.

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Monday, April 19, 2021

Dato Sri Dr. Warren Eu- UMHL Founder, CEO & Managing Director


Dato’ Sri Dr.Warren Eu Hin Chai is a graduate of the University of Malaya and Golden State University with a Ph.D. in Finance. He steps into the advertising industry with full of dedications and commitments. Dato’ Sri has been in the industry for the past 8 years, guides and leads almost 30 companies for their market analysis and equips them with mature and long-term business insights and ideas.


Dato’ Sri Dr. Warren Eu carries his competencies to the next level. He triumphantly institutes his corporation, U-Matrin Holding Limited (UMHL), which founded in 2006. He is not only the Founder of the company but currently also the CEO and the Managing Director. His roles and responsibilities are ensuring overall business decision–making and directions, handling the daily business operations and managements of the company, and extensively overseeing the business development processes.


In this modern technology era, Dato ’Sri Dr. Warren Eu thrives to position the company as the leader of the global firm. The business innovations and growths as well as the profitability are the major directions to expand and strengthen the company's future developments. The company currently focuses on 8 major and diverse industries including commercial real estate, logistic, finance, health industry, and tourism.


Dato’ Sri Dr. Warren Eu has provided uncountable seminars and workshops to the public which he shares to them regarding business investments. Thus, he has made great impacts and impressions to those who have business-minded like him or corporate companies that seek to diversify their businesses. So, this is one of the achievements that has made him an ‘Angel’ investor in the market.


He received a lifetime honorary title as Dato’ Sri by Yang di-Pertuan Agong in 2014 for putting effort in contributing to society. In 2017, an interview was published by the Forbes Magazine about Dato’ Sri Warren Eu, and in the same year, he was also invited for an interview by the Malaysia TV Station.


Besides that, Dato’ Sri Dr. Warren Eu is also known as a philanthropist. He is a charitable person that loves to lend a helping hand. Dato' Sri strongly believes in the principle of giving back of what you have received as it is a form of blessing as well as appreciation. He is actively engaging with various social responsibilities and social contributions of charities like from schools to orphanages and old folk's homes. Lastly, he is a firm adherent in providing the best to the society!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Simplu Kasih

  Simplu Kasih,   Protects female reproductive system; Your ovarian and uterine protection.   Lets you prevent gynecological probl...