Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Akero Catuaba (Kidney health)


Akero Catuaba (Kidney health),


The sacred product for your kidney tonifying!

Kidney filters and purifies blood for human body;

Discharges metabolic waste through urine.

Also significant to boost your prostate health! (Male reproductive system)


Product benefits:

  • Kidney tonifying
  • Enhances kidney's filtering function
  • Activates carbonic anhydrase (Influencing CO2 transport in blood to the lungs)
  • Removes toxin from human body
  • Unclogs blood vessel
  • Improves microcirculation
  • Regulates sub- health
  • Improves sleep quality and fatigue
  • Suppresses anxiety
  • Regulates prostate and prevents prostate disease

Main ingredients:

  • Catuaba
  • Cordyceps
  • Saw palmetto
  • Tribulus
  • Horny goat weed
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Milk thistle
  • Peach
  • Fructose
  • Apple cider vinegar


  • Take one sachet every 3 days
  • Drink water after 20 minutes
  • Drink plenty of warm water

#AkeroBeautyHealth #UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Akero Karela

Akero Karela,  


Able to act like the insulin in your body!

Insulin aid in the allowance of glucose into cell from your bloodstream,

Or the storing of glucose for future use when you have more glucose in your body than you need.


Thus Akero Karela is the best product to balance your blood sugar level and keep it in a normal range!

Also beneficial for your general wellbeing; can burn fat, detoxify, lose weight, nourish blood, clear body heat, promote skin health, rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, etc.

Product benefits:

  • Balances blood sugar
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Fat metabolism
  • Reduces body burden
  • Strengthens spleen and tonifies kidney
  • Nourishes liver and improves eyesight
  • Treats dysentery (Intestinal inflammation), sore, heat stroke or sun stroke, prickly heat (Skin rash) and conjunctivitis
  • Detoxifies, quenches thirst, heat and cures fatigue
  • Regulates endocrine system
  • Fights acne and skin blemish
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti- tumor
  • Anti- inflammatory
  • Relieves pain
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Rich in vitamin C
  • Prevents scurvy, atherosclerosis (Build-up of cholesterol in artery wall), protects cell membrane, heart and copes with body stress
  • Normalizes blood pressure

Main ingredients:

  • Momordica charantia (Bitter melon)
  • Chromium picolinate
  • Citric acid (Lemon)
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)


  • Once or twice per day
  • One to two sachets at each time
  • Pour into 50 to 100 ml of warm water
  • Stir proportionally before drinking

#AkeroBeautyHealth #UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform




Golden Rose Slimate,


For you to get rid of your body’s excess toxins and fats.

All rounded beauty and health food supplement for body detox;

Health and beauty slimming.


Significant for cleansing your body and your digestive system!

Also gives you better and brighter skin!


Product benefits:

  • Promotes motility (Peristalsis)
  • Facilitates digestive system
  • Facilitates defecation
  • Get rid of constipation
  • Relieves stomach upset
  • Increases nutrient absorption
  • Increases metabolism
  • Eliminates excessive body fat
  • Combats obesity
  • Get rid of lower belly
  • Detoxifies spleen and kidney
  • Healthy spleen and beneficial kidney
  • Fights fatigue
  • Improves sleep
  • Fights insomnia and dizziness
  • Eliminates nameless irritability
  • Improves complexion
  • Heals face inflammation, rough skin and dull complexion

Main ingredients:

  • Chinese hawthorn
  • Malt
  • Medicated leaven
  • Chenpi
  • Trifoliate orange
  • Mint
  • Asian ginseng
  • Bai zhu
  • Japanese catnip


  • Take two capsules daily after dinner

#AkeroBeautyHealth #UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Monday, July 19, 2021





We protect you and your loved ones.

Stay safe, healthy and pretty with #AkeroBeautyHealth


Wellbeing, health and beauty,

All commence from improving your organ function;

Begin from Akero!


All our products possess quality assurance and product safety;


You are what you eat. 

#StaySafeStayHealthy #YouAreWhatYouEat

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Apple Stem Cell

Stem cells are special cells that are naturally present in the body. While they can divide and multiply like our other cells, they also have the unique ability to change into other cells, replacing specialized cells in the body such as red blood cells that have become aged, damaged, or lost. While stem cells can divide repeatedly, they do begin to lose effectiveness over time and as we get older, our new stem cells become less efficient at replacing damaged cells in the body.


Donated stem cells have become a popular and successful treatment in recent years, with new stem cells being introduced to patients in order to replace their aged stem cells, stimulating growth, repair and more healthy, natural functions. They can be used to replace blood cells in patients with blood disorders, to generate new skin for burn victims, and many more applications that scientists and researchers are only just beginning to uncover. They can even stimulate natural repair processes, speeding up recovery from injuries and reducing pain. Stem cells hold a lot of promise for medicine in the future, and you can expect more and more discoveries to be found regarding their powerful results.


Epidermal stem cells are present under our skin and are required to repair and create new skin, but over time their number and efficiency drastically reduce. Replacing these with new stem cells has been shown to rejuvenate skin cells and make them appear younger, having a visible result on wrinkles. The epidermal skin cells only last for a specific amount of cell divisions, and over time the amount of damaged or dying cells outnumbers the number of healthy cells, leading to a visible decline in the skin’s health and youthful appearance.


New stem cells can be introduced intravenously, which will then continue to multiply and transform into epidermal skin cells. These new cells are more effective and proactive at regenerating our skin than our existing ones which quickly regenerates and brings new life and hydration to your aged skin, reversing the effects of time.


Plant stem cells differ slightly from our own in that a single plant stem cell holds the ability to generate a new plant in its entirety. There is a new scientific technique that involves harvesting the callus of a plant, which is the clear mass of cells that gather to heal the damage when a plant is damaged or cut, essentially the plant equivalent to scar tissue. This callus contains blank stem cells that haven’t yet been programmed to become a specific plant cell -meaning they are extremely versatile and full of potential.


The plant stem cell extract from the apple tree, has been shown to stimulate human stem cell growth and division, defend human stem cells against damage or death from UV light, combat age-encouraged alterations in human cells, reduce the depth of crow’s feet and remove wrinkles.

Credited to Dr Siva. 

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Serve Without Expecting Anything in Return


Dato’ Sri Warren Eu has eternally been a charitable person. For instance, he helps cancer patients, hoping that they will not undergo loneliness through the journey. Dato' Sri Warren Eu has always been very helpful and thoughtful in giving his regards as well as concerns toward their conditions personally.


On the other hand, there was a patient named Isabelle who Dato’ Sri Warren had aided for some time. Isabelle was a courageous cancer warrior that had suffered twice the occurrences of breast cancer and lung cancer. During Isabelle's challenging times, even Dato’ Sri couldn’t help to solve the pains that she needed to bear. However, he proffered her all the supports and accompanied her along the journey. Regardless of Dato' Seri's hectic schedule at work, one thing that Dato’ Sri will never give up is invariably sponsoring AKERO health products and he had also provided necessities to Isabelle for more than 4 years.


So, after the two years of struggles with breast cancer, Isabelle at first thought that she can finally be free and live a normal life. Unfortunately, after sometime of hope, she received another bad news as she needed to combat cancer cells again. Isabelle was diagnosed with lung cancer and at that time, Isabelle felt appreciative that Dato’ Sri Warren was still willing to take the efforts and dedications to continue sponsor AKERO's health products to her even after her first fight with cancer.


To Isabelle, Dato’ Sri Warren Eu was her savior as when she needed someone to be there, Dato’ Sri did his best to ease her in fighting against cancer. He never stopped funding and sponsoring Isabelle till the end. Moreover, Dato’ Sri Warren is always sincere and never absent to those that need him to lend a helping hand. A meningitis patient had also received donation from Dato’ Sri and the family cherished the supports which had assisted them to overcome the challenges.


Dato’ Sri Warren Eu has inspired many people to start doing social contributions. A truly successful person should have a kind and compassionate heart. He firmly believes that he should be blessed to be able to give back to the society as he also gained so much from it. Success with kindness is really rare yet this can be found in Dato’ Sri Warren Eu. He is really a great role model in being a philanthropist.


#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

No Pain No Gain Spirit for a Better Society


To Dato’ Sri Warren Eu, welfare and charity are like a mission that he vows to achieve and fulfil in his life. Nothing more meaningful than giving back to the society. Supporting the disadvantaged and underprivileged group is always the principle that Dato’ Sri Warren Eu and his team hold on to.


The initiator of Warren World Care Foundation, Dato’ Sri Warren Eu has perpetually been assisting as the humanitarian in the remote areas, natural disasters and for the orphanages, nursery homes, etc. Creating such efforts provide a hopeful future for individuals in need.


As mentioned in the above, in cooperation with the International Disaster Relief Foundation, various charity organizations and individual entrepreneurs to involve in charitable programs as well as events becomes the lifetime mission for Dato’ Sri Warren. In addition, they are not just been executed in Malaysia but also in other countries like Thailand, China, Cambodia, Brunei, and Singapore. Dato’ Sri Warren Eu desires to do them globally although they are not easy to be done and seem like a tough journey. However, for Dato’s Sri Warren, they can still be possible!


As we all know, there are many types of social contributions we can carry out for our community. So, for Dato’ Sri Warren Eu, all his contributions mostly revolve around people such as the children, elderlies and front-liners. These are what he does as a philanthropist.


Dato’ Sri Warren has compassion, sympathy, and kindness. He believes human existence depends on each other hence, human should unite and help each other. As long as he can lend a helping hand and when there is a need for him to engage with charities like funding educational programs, supporting health initiatives, etc, he will always be there. He will not disappoint whoever that needs his supports and comforts.


Social responsibility should always be done willingly and sincerely. Furthermore, the intention of Dato’ Sri Warren Eu to gain public attentions regarding this matter is to gather everyone's strength to be more effective in helping the society.


Due to Dato’ Sri Warren Eu's contributions to the community, obliquely his business has grown to be known as the more respectful and glorious enterprise. Besides that, as quoted by Helen Keller, alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. This is also what Dato’ Sri always believes in as everyone can do their part in the society and together cause differences for a better society.

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Covid 19 Pandemic Contribution


During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, countless people are going through difficult times and struggling with living. Notwithstanding, this never prevents Dato’ Sri Warren from relentlessly doing his part for the communities and society. According to him, raising awareness about public welfare and charity are important and are part of his responsibilities to help the needy.


As the founder and managing director of UMHL (U-Matrin Holdings Limited), he leads nationwide to donate for elementary and high school educations which they surpass millions of ringgit. Besides that, in the Covid-19 outbreak, Dato’ Sri Warren contributes his supports by providing medical equipment and the necessities that worth approximately 3-million-ringgit to the front-liners and also other parties without hesitation. For instance, polices, doctors, nurses, and charity homes and they had been carried out for 24 days.


Dato’ Sri Warren discloses that even though his business scale in the industry is not yet the biggest at its pinnacle, but he still aspires to be the initiator and takes the lead in charity activities as well as welfare professions. He also plays significant role in education philanthropy where he recognizes education is also one of the great investment to humankind.


Doing charity can provide the community resources that facilitate social harmony. On the other hand, Dato’ Sri Warren believes his wealth that he owns is also due to the opportunities that come from the society therefore he is aware that he needs to accomplish his responsibilities in nurturing the entrepreneurs, businesses, organizations or associations to support the social responsibility. He will like everyone that is capable to make efforts in contributing resources and it can become a normal practice in the whole community.


It is also proven that all of his blood and tears have paid off. Furthermore, he proudly received a certificate of appreciation from the Royal Malaysian Police Headquarters for his services and commitments during the Covid-19 outbreak.


Dato’ Sri Warren has done more social work than we can imagine. When he sincerely understands the front-liners’ needs, he performs considerate and heartwarming acts to show his appreciations and salutations to them. Dato’ Sri always put himself in someone else shoes therefore he always gains people’s respects.

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Monday, June 21, 2021

Charity & Welfare by Dato Sri Dr. Warren Eu


Dato’ Sri Warren Eu has been executing good deeds all along whenever since he is capable to do so. Then, he wouldn’t purposely share or tell everyone regarding this matter but silently carries out actions and does his part for the society. He has high engagements and is passionate about public welfare and charity.


Next, a person's strength is limited, but gathering a group of right people with the same direction can unite and work as a team to provide teamwork qualities for social contributions. The team can create positive impacts for the society. Therefore, Dato’ Sri Dr. Warren Eu builds Warren World Care Foundation. Dato’ Sri Warren sees it important in taking the role of philanthropist to improve and enhance people’s perspective of unity, connecting the world as well as helping each other.


Dato’ Sri Warren Eu always possesses selfless acts of kindness that is readily to give without expecting any return. So, it brings him further involves in welfare and charity. Dato’ Sri feels satisfied whenever he can help and do something impactful for those who are in need.


Doing good is a long journey and it has to be like keep moving forward until the end. As a part of the community, every little steps count as well as any contribution for the society. Everyone can make a change. We need to foster positivity, love and provide hope and warm to our society.


For Dato’ Sri Warren Eu, the meaningful contributions always come from a sincere heart. He never do good for his own benefits. He just desires to create a closer bond with the community which used all with his pure kindness and wishes that everyone can unite; together help the society to a better place.


#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Friday, June 18, 2021

Philanthropy Idea & Practice


In this era of rapid development and building a continuous advance society, it is necessary to have entrepreneurs that do social responsibilities and a group of entrepreneurs that are also the philanthropists. So, Dato’ Sri Warren Eu practices the corresponding ideology and applies it into one of his business values.


Being an entrepreneur or a businessman, Dato’ Sri Warren Eu takes humanitarianism very seriously. He believes that a company should instil the emphasizing of social welfare into its culture and initiate to lead and become role model like spreading charity concepts to the people around especially young people. He thinks that educating young generation can be effective for instance the philanthropy idea, humanity and morality as they are important and can also help to be inherited from generation to generation. For more people to pay close attention to social welfare and programs, Dato’ Sri Warren really takes efforts to cultivate young people to be knowledgeable of social awareness.


Dato’ Sri Warren carries his positive attitude along in his welfare career and creates wealth in society. Moreover, he is committed to help in poverty, disaster relief, etc. He has also invested large sum of funds to upgrade and renew facilities for about 30 schools nationwide as they are to create a better environment for both teachers and also the students.


Then, every citizen should unitedly take part in social responsibility and help each other. In addition, Dato’ Sri Warren can provide resources and values into the society through Warren World Care Foundation as well as taking part in the public welfare, etc.


On the other hand, Dato’ Sri Warren takes the initiative by collaborating and cooperating with different platforms and various charity projects to provide different resources for the society. Dato’ Sri Warren is a low profile person and does not always promote his contributions for the society back then. But now this philanthropy idea and practice should be spread around the world to increase its awareness and also for people that are capable to help out together.


Dato’ Sri Warren desires to encourage teenagers and youngsters to play their role in helping the society and take appropriate actions. Sharing love and positivity, even it’s seemed like only contributing to a minor change, yet they can still make a difference to the society!

#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Give Back to the Society


Successful entrepreneurs will linger on their principle and initial intention. To Dato’ Sri Warren, he is dedicated to the social welfare that has become part of his job responsibilities in contributing back to the society. Dato’ Sri Warren Eu’s glorious effort, assertiveness, optimism, and open-mindedness have brought him this far to possess philanthropic ambition that he eternally desires to fulfil.


Dato’ Sri Warren learns that with responsible attitude, constantly progressing and apprehending the trend allow him to grasp the right timing, opportunities and results to possess directions for his social contributions other than UMHL’s (U-Matrin Holdings Limited) innovations and developments. With Dato’ Sri's vision and wisdom, even there’s hardships, he can still undertake the role of a philanthropist.


Since the establishment of Warren World Care Foundation, it has contributed more than millions in fund to assist and aid the orphanages as well as the poor children. Besides that, they also provide medical treatments and education opportunities. At the same time, Dato’ Sri Warren is also proactively involved with disaster relief and is supporting the poor and unfortunate people through cooperation with various organizations which also enable him to take a step ahead in accomplishing social purpose.


The journey as an outstanding philanthropist is never an easy path or smooth-sailing for Dato’ Sri Warren but he is still determined to implement social responsibility as Warren World Care Foundation will always be there to those who are in need! Dato' Sri Warren Eu knows that it may be insufficient that one can do for the whole society, but he does believe that there are still things he can do and make differences. Thus, he gathers the power of teamwork and unity and bring everyone together to work towards the common goal. He always advocates those around him to give back to society whenever they are capable in it.


Since Dato’ Sri Warren has decided to take public welfare as part of his career, he confidently affirms that the decision is not just an impulse but a persistency. Powerful motivation in contributing back to the society comes from kindness, caring and generosity from a sincere heart. Lastly, perseverance is really the key as it never ended here; Dato’ Sri Warren will carry out social responsibility for a lifetime!


#UMHL #UMatrinWorldwide #datowarren #datosriwarren #datosrieu #Akero #internationalplatform

Simplu Kasih

  Simplu Kasih,   Protects female reproductive system; Your ovarian and uterine protection.   Lets you prevent gynecological probl...